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Data management information and Privacy Policy of Cubilog Ltd


Company name: Cubilog Ltd. (Cubilog Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság)

Address: 2161 Csomád, Kossuth Lajos út 79., Hungary

Tax number: 24674742-2-13

Company registration number: 13 09 194385

E-mail address: info @ cubilog. com
Phone number: +36 30 370 3287

Contact information for data management: https://www.cubilog.com/adatkezeles/

management: Ferenc Varga


Domain names and their subdomains involved in data management * (hereinafter: websites):









Cubilog Ltd. is dedicated to complying with the applicable laws and regulations, and therefore also pays special attention to the personal data it processes and their use. The following sections detail how this is done.


The terms and descriptions contained in these rules and regulations are subject to change, and without wishing to be exhaustive, the four – perhaps most important – terms are highlighted:

  • Affected (Info Act): any natural person identified or identifiable on the basis of any information;
  • Personal Data (GDPR): any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (“data subject”); identify a natural person who, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to one or more factors such as name, number, location, online identifier or physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of the natural person identifiable;
  • Personal data (Info Act): Any information about the data subject;
  • Data controller (GDPR): a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data; where the purposes and means of the processing are defined by the EU or Member State law, the controller or the specific criteria for the designation of the controller may also be determined by the EU or Member State law;
  • Data controller (Info Act): A natural or legal person or an organization without legal personality who, within the framework specified by law or a binding legal act of the European Union, determines the purpose of data processing, independently or together with others, for data processing ( including the device used) or with the data controller;
  • Consent (GDPR): a voluntary, informed, and unambiguous statement of the will of the data subject to indicate his or her consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her by means of a statement or unambiguous statement of consent;
  • Consent (Info Act): A voluntary, unambiguous statement of the data subject’s intention, based on appropriate and informed information, by which the data subject indicates his or her consent to the processing of personal data concerning him or her by means of an unambiguous expression of his or her will;

Principles of data management

Cubilog Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as data controller) carries out its activities in Hungary, so it is responsible for complying with the rules set out in data management activities in accordance with Hungarian and European Union legislation. The persons covered by the data processing information (employees and contractual partners of the data controller) are obliged to protect the personal data processed by the data controller in the course of their activities in accordance with current legal provisions, in particular the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing and free movement of such data, and Regulation 2016/679 / EU of the European Parliament and of the Council repealing Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter: GDPR), 2011 CXII on the right to information self-determination and freedom of information. (hereinafter: the Information Act) in accordance with the applicable provisions.

In this prospectus, the data controller defines the guidelines for the processing and protection of personal data of natural persons, as well as the tasks of the persons involved in the performance of data protection activities and the framework for their cooperation.

The controller considers the protection of the personal data of the data subjects and the related rights of the data subjects to be of paramount importance and therefore takes all organizational and technical measures to ensure the secure storage of the data.

By law, the processing of personal data that is essential for the purpose of data processing is permitted, and only to the extent and for the time necessary.

Purpose of data management 

The business purpose of the data controller’s activity and the websites operated by it is to get to know the partner data and, if necessary, personal data for the purposes of its business and support activities (data protection principle) and to answer questions about those interested, and inform your customers and prospective customers (interested parties) about the news (marketing). The privacy statement applies in particular to users who send a message via the Contact / Calculation form or E-mail on the websites operated by the data controller and whose data are, to the extent necessary, essential for support, contact, and business information (eg E-mail correspondence and other contacts).

The basis for the processing of the data subject’s data (lawfulness of data processing)

The data subject has accepted the data processing information and thus consents to the processing of his or her personal data (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR).

The processing is necessary for the performance of a contract in which the data subject is required by one of the parties or to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to the conclusion of the contract (Article 6 (1) (b) GDPR).

Data processor

No data processor is used.

Data transfer

There is no data transfer.

Source of data of the respected persons

Contact forms on the websites, from data recorded by e-mail and from business registration data sources.

Scope of data processed

  • Name of the data subject, 
  • E-mail address of the data subject 
  • Telephone number of the data subject
  • Data and information are provided voluntarily by the data subject.

Time for processing the data of the Data Subject

The data controller processes the data of the data subject based on the prior, express, and voluntary consent of the user (data subject) until the user withdraws this consent or until the purpose of the data processing is terminated (eg termination of the contract). If the user requests the deletion of his / her data, please send this in writing to the contact e-mail address!

Rights related to data processing

The right to request information

You can request information about the processing of your personal data from us through the contact details provided.

Right to rectification

We provide the opportunity to correct or modify your inaccurately or incompletely recorded personal data.

The right to “forget” the right to delete

You can request the deletion of your personal data. We will process your request immediately, which will be processed within a maximum of 30 days, and we will send information to the e-mail address you provided.

Right to data portability

If necessary, we can ensure the transfer of your personal data to you. 

Right of appeal 

You can contact the Data Protection Officer or the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority or a court (Remedies section).

Newsletter, marketing activity

Act XLVIII of 2008 on the Basic Conditions and Certain Restrictions of Commercial Advertising Pursuant to Section 6 of the Act, the data subject may consent in advance and expressly to the Service Provider’s contact with the advertising offers and other items provided at the time of registration, or with regard to the provisions of this prospectus, the data subject may consent to the processing of personal data by the data controller. Furthermore, a natural person may be sent to the recipient of the advertisement by direct acquisition without the prior and express consent of the recipient, but the advertiser and the advertising service provider shall ensure that the recipient of the advertisement may prohibit the sending of the advertisement at any time free of charge. In the event of a ban, advertising may no longer be sent to the person concerned by direct acquisition.


The Data Controller will not send unsolicited newsletters and the data subject may unsubscribe from sending offers without restriction or justification. In this case, the data controller has not yet deleted all the personal data of the data subject required to send the newsletter, but will not contact the data subject with further marketing offers. The person concerned can unsubscribe from the newsletter by clicking the Unsubscribe link in the message.

Cookie management

An HTTP cookie (usually a cookie) is a packet of information that a server sends to a web browser, which the browser returns to the server each time a request is made to the server. Cookies are created by the web server itself using a browser on the user’s machine, where they are stored in a separate directory. A cookie can carry content that is defined by the server. The purpose of the procedure is to introduce the state into the essentially stateless HTTP transaction. In the absence of cookies, retrieving each website (or resource) is an isolated event, virtually independent of retrieving other pages on the site. If the browser returns a cookie, the server has the option to link the current request to the previous one. It is most commonly used to identify registered users of a particular website, record a “shopping cart,” or track visitors. You can also create a cookie from a CGI program running on the server and a client-side script (such as JavaScript) running in your browser.

Types of cookies

Cookies can be:

  • permanent or 
  • temporary cookies. 

Permanent cookies are stored by the browser until a certain time. These are cookies that remain on the user’s device after he or she closes the website and helps identify visitors to the website as unique user by storing a randomly generated number. Temporary cookies are not stored by the browser, they are automatically deleted when the browser window is closed.

Cookies used

Not all and the same cookies are used for the pages operated by the data controller. In most cases, the use of cookies has been reduced to a minimum (most necessary), but there are cases when and where the nature of the service requires additional cookies.

Cookies category Purpose Name
Session cookies The websites operated by the data controller (on the affected domains) mostly session cookies. These are stored until the end of the user’s browsing period, these cookies are valid only for the user’s current visit, and cookies are automatically deleted from the device when the session is closed or the browser is closed. These cookies are essential for applications and functions related to the operation of the website.  session_id
Language settings cookie A cookie that preserves the language of the visitor, allowing the page to remember the visitor’s language settings. frontend_lang
Preferences A cookie that identifies a visitor (visitor’s device) (visitor_uuid), which is an identifier (UUID) and does not contain any information other than the identifier to distinguish the visitor from other visitors. visitor_uuid
Session and Security Authenticate users and protect user data, and allow the site to provide services that users expect, such as uploading files (system support). The website will not work properly if you reject or reject these cookies. filetoken
Interaction History Collection of data with the site interactions, the pages you see, and any special marketing campaigns that have led to the site. We may not be able to provide you with the best service if you reject these cookies, but your site will work.



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Cookie management – acceptance

On our websites, you can find out and accept the cookies used with the Elfogadás (HU)/Accept (EN) buttons. 

Optional cookies can be disabled / prohibited in browsers, but in this case, we cannot guarantee the proper operation of the site (s)!

Requests from the data subject regarding the processing of his / her data

The data controller primarily takes measures in accordance with the relevant legal regulations regarding the enforcement of the data processing rights of the subject. In addition, the parties may provide other means of communication to each other, the processes of which shall be agreed upon by electronic mail.

Data Controller’s Rights

Anonymous Data Collection

If the user views any websites operated by the data controller, the data controller will not collect or process any personal data about the user in a way that would allow the user to be personally identified (except for system support). 

The websites operated by the data controller can therefore be used without disclosing your personal data. The use of the websites does not require providing your personal data unless this is necessary to provide you with additional information at your own request (system support, newsletter).

Security, confidentiality

The data controller provides the possibility for its partners to request technical support for the operated systems, which are accessed through a so-called error ticket management system and can only be accessed after an invited registration. This data is handled only by the data controller. The e-mail addresses used for registration will be provided to the data controller by the partners in advance via E-mail (voluntary consent). The data controller ensures that this and the contact information provided in the newsletter is stored securely and protected from unauthorized access.

Links to our websites

The data controller is only responsible for the “referring” links to the websites that it operates or has created the link to. The data controller is not responsible for the links and content of the second party.


It is prohibited without the permission and knowledge of the data controller:

  • The publication of the content of the data controller’s websites in other media;
  • Sale, sublicense and / or other commercial distribution of material on the data controller’s websites;
  • Public presentation and / or presentation of any website material by the data controller;
  • Use of the data controller’s websites in violation of applicable laws and regulations that may cause any harm to the data controller’s website or to any person or business data controller’s business partners.


In the event that the data subject (you) feels that the data controller has violated your right to the protection of your personal data, please first contact our company’s data protection officer or the company’s executive e-mail or telephone contacts. If you consider that the legal status cannot be restored, please notify the authority at the following contact details:

National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority

Postal address: 1363 Budapest, Pf. 9. 

Address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11. 

Telephone: +36 1 391 1400 

Fax: +36 1 391 1410

Email: ugyfelszolgalat@naih.hu


The data controller reserves the right to regularly review and, if necessary, amend the Data Management Information without informing the data subjects separately. The date of the change (update) will always be indicated in the data management information on the website.


Last updated: June 20, 2024


* Subdomain (wikipedia.org): A subdomain or subdomain in the Internet’s hierarchical Domain Name System that performs name resolution is a domain that is part of a larger domain. 

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